Threat Intelligence Essentials (TIE) v1 Exam Voucher - RPS Testing

Threat Intelligence Essentials (TIE) v1 Exam Voucher - RPS Testing

  • $299.00
    Unit price per 

This product is available to EC-Council Academia Partners at a pledge (e.g. scholarship) rate of $49.99. Please contact your EC-Council specialist, or Contact Us for more information on our free partnership available to academic institutions.



This individual exam voucher includes the following resource(s):
  • Exam Voucher (w/ Remote Proctor Services)

This purchase is for the following ISBN and Title:


TIE v1 Exam Voucher - RPS Testing




Purchase the official Threat Intelligence Essentials (TIE) certification exam voucher with Remote Proctor Services (RPS), developed and authored by EC-Council! No exam eligibility application required!

This exam voucher will provide you with 1 exam attempt towards the TIE certification credential.


TIEv1 Exam Format:

Exam Length: 2 Hours

Exam Format: Multiple Choice

Exam Platform: ECC Exam Center

# of Questions: 75

Passing Score: 70%