EC-Council Certified DevSecOps Engineer (ECDE) v1 eBook w/ iLabs + ECC Exam Voucher (RPS)
Important Discount Information:
This purchase includes Automatic Exam Eligibility and an Official EC-Council exam voucher!
As an academic student, when purchasing this bundle you completely bypass the standard exam eligibility process. You are no longer required to apply to attempt an EC-Council exam, submit an application, pay an application fee, list references, or prove work experience. This is all waived once you purchase EC-Council's official and authorized content!
eBook & iLabs:
- Vital Source Bookshelf (https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/)
- ASPEN (aspen.eccouncil.org)
Exam Voucher:
- ECC Exam Voucher (https://www.eccexam.com/)
Access the authorized lab, eBook, and exam voucher for EC-Council Certified DevSecOps Engineer (ECDE), developed and authored by EC-Council! (www.eccouncil.org)
This license will provide you with 6 months access to EC-Council's exclusive iLabs portal (access starts post code redemption), and 18 month access to the EC-Council Certified DevSecOps Engineer Version 1 eBook via Vital Source. Practice and refine your skills. These are NOT simulations and this is one range you will never break!
(Average Time for Lab Course Completion: 22 Hours 50 Minutes)
ECDE v1 Course Outline:
- Module 01: Understanding DevOps Culture
- Module 02: Introduction to DevSecOps *No Lab Offered
- Module 03: DevSecOps Pipeline-Plan Stage
- Module 04: DevSecOps Pipeline-Code Stage
- Module 05: DevSecOps Pipeline-Build and Test Stage
- Module 06: DevSecOps Pipeline-Release and Deploy Stage
Module 07: DevSecOps Pipeline-Operate and Monitor Stage